Importing an Jupyter Notebook from another Jupyter Notebook
To import an ipynb file in another ipynb file, we need to install import-ipynb python package which is apapted exactly to our purpose.
Install import-ipynb library from the command prompt !pip install import-ipynb Import it from your notebook import import_ipynb Import your BBB.ipynb notebook as if it was file from BBB import * |
Sample code as a whole : a_simple_rnn.ipynb
A sample code is a deep learning model using the SimpleRNN model which consists of including package libraries, loading and preprocessing data, setting up model, fitting and prediction. This is a whole file which will be divided into two files in the next.
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1) Common code block : a0_load_lib_data_func.ipynb
The following python code in the Jupyter notebook (a0_load_lib_data_func.ipynb) contains package libraries, some user-defined functions, and data. This file will be imported in each mode files.
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2) Each model-specific file : a1_simple_rnn_wo_lib_data_func.ipynb
The following python code (a1_simple_rnn_wo_lib_data_func.ipynb) imports the above Jupyter Notebook file (a0_load_lib_data_func.ipynb). As the imported file contains common code blocks, this file does not contain these redundant information but has the content of each specific model and routines for forecasting performance comparisons.
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Concluding Remarks
This post shows how to use the common code block file which is imported in another model-specific file in Jupyter notebook. Running one file as a whole and running two sparate files deliver the same output. But the latter will be useful since it can avoid redundant copy-and-paste works. \(\blacksquare\)
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