Showing posts with label Tensorflow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tensorflow. Show all posts

TensorFlow: Weighted Average Layer with Trainable Weights

This post implements TensorFlow code that estimates the weights used to construct an output composite time series from three input time series.

TensorFlow: Weighted Average Layer with Fixed Weights

This post demonstrates the process of implementing a TensorFlow code to calculate the weighted average of the previous layer's output. This simple exercise serves as a practical guide to creating a custom layer in TensorFlow.

TensorFlow: Variational Autoencoder (VAE) for MNIST Digits

This post demonstrates the implementation of Tensorflow code for Variational Autoencoder (VAE) using a well-established example with MNIST digit data.

Python: Solving ODEs with Deep Learning in TensorFlow

This post explains how to implement TensorFlow code to solve ODE problems. This approach is known as 'Physics-Informed Neural Networks' (PINNs) or 'Neural ODEs.'

Python : Save and Load Tensorflow Keras Model

This post shows how to save and load your Keras model. The loaded model contains the same parameters (weights and biases) and the model structure as the final model you saved.

Python : Tensorflow Keras Tuner for the optimization of hyper parameters

This post shows how to use the Keras Tuner for the hyper parameter optimization. This can avoid many for-loops effectively, which are used when the grid search for hyper parameters is necessary.

Python : %run to import another folder's ipynb files

This post shows how to use %run command for importing Jupyter Notebook (ipynb) files from another folders. It is essentially to run the imported ipynb files before running a main file.

Python : Importing ipynb files (Jupyter Notebook) from an ipynb file

This post shows how to import a Jupyter Notebook (ipynb) file from another Jupyter Notebook file. It will avoid occasional mistakes and save time to write redundant common codes such as importing library, declaring user-defined functions, data and its preprocessing, to name a few.

Python : Plotting Architecture of Tensorflow Keras model

This post shows how to plot an architecture flow of Tensorflow Keras model by using plot_model() function.

Multiple Linear Regression using Tensorflow Optimization

This post implements the optimization based estimation of multiple linear regression model using Tensorflow. With this example, we can learn basic implementations of functions in Python and a numerical optimization in Tensorflow.

Multiple Linear Regression using Tensorflow

This post implements the standard matrix based estimation of multiple linear regression model using Tensorflow. With this example, we can learn some basic vector or matrix operations in Tensorflow and also Python.

Installing Python and Tensorflow with Jupyter Notebook Configurations

For a machine or deep learning modeling, Python is widely used with Tensorflow. This post explains the an installation of Python, Tensorflow and configuration of Jupyter notebook as a kickstart towards ML/DL modeling.