Saving and loading forecast results of each model using a List
Let's assume that we already performed forecasting using two models (DNS and AFNS models), for example, with the following specifications.
- 2 out-of-sample periods (2023:01, 2023:02)
- 3 forecast horizons (3m, 6m, 12m)
- 4 maturities (1Y, 3Y, 5Y, 10Y)
The specification is overly restrictive and therefore unreasonable. For instance, typical out-of-sample periods often extend over long durations, frequently exceeding 10 or 20 years. Thus, this example is provided solely for illustrative purposes.
Saving Lists
In this example, randomly generated forecast results are saved as list_fcst_yield, and we assign each model name using the assign() function as follows.
- fcst_yield_DNS
- fcst_yield_AFNS
rm(list = ls()) set.seed(1) # fix random seed setwd("your working directory") #------------------------------------ # Save each model's forecasts #------------------------------------ # 1) DNS model # Perform forecasting exercises list_fcst_yield <- list() list_fcst_yield[[1]] <- matrix(runif(3*4),3,4) list_fcst_yield[[2]] <- matrix(runif(3*4),3,4) # Save it as fcst_DNS.RData str_model <- "DNS" new_list_name <- paste0("fcst_", str_model) assign(new_list_name, list_fcst_yield) save(list = new_list_name, file = paste0(new_list_name,".RData")) new_list_name # 2) AFNS model # Perform forecasting exercises list_fcst_yield <- list() list_fcst_yield[[1]] <- matrix(runif(3*4),3,4) list_fcst_yield[[2]] <- matrix(runif(3*4),3,4) # Save it as fcst_AFNS.RData str_model <- "AFNS" new_list_name <- paste0("fcst_", str_model) assign(new_list_name, list_fcst_yield) save(list = new_list_name, file = paste0(new_list_name,".RData")) new_list_name | cs |
Loading Lists
When loading saved lists with the .RData extension, there are two methods.
The first method is to load each file separately.
#------------------------------------ # Load each file separately #------------------------------------ rm(list = ls()) # clear for test load("fcst_DNS.RData") load("fcst_AFNS.RData") fcst_DNS fcst_AFNS | cs |
> fcst_DNS [[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.7323137 0.8612095 0.07067905 0.5186343 [2,] 0.6927316 0.4380971 0.09946616 0.6620051 [3,] 0.4776196 0.2447973 0.31627171 0.4068302 [[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.9128759 0.3323947 0.47854525 0.8753213 [2,] 0.2936034 0.6508705 0.76631067 0.3390729 [3,] 0.4590657 0.2580168 0.08424691 0.8394404 > fcst_AFNS [[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.3466835 0.8921983 0.7773207 0.7125147 [2,] 0.3337749 0.8643395 0.9606180 0.3999944 [3,] 0.4763512 0.3899895 0.4346595 0.3253522 [[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.7570871 0.1216919 0.23962942 0.8762692 [2,] 0.2026923 0.2454885 0.05893438 0.7789147 [3,] 0.7111212 0.1433044 0.64228826 0.7973088 | cs |
The second step is to load all files and insert them into one list. This facilitates ongoing analysis by using iteration to refer to each model's forecast result.
#------------------------------------ # Load all files at once #------------------------------------ rm(list = ls()) # clear for test # read all RData files fcst_model <- list.files(getwd(), pattern = "\\.RData$", full.names = FALSE) # Remove the .RData extension fcst_model_name <- sub("\\.RData$", "", fcst_model) fcst_model_name # Create an empty list to store the loaded objects list_fcst_model <- list() for(i in 1:length(fcst_model_name)) { # Load the object into the global environment load(paste0(fcst_model_name[i], ".RData")) # Insert the loaded object into the list list_fcst_model[[i]] <- get(fcst_model_name[i]) } names(list_fcst_model) <- fcst_model_name list_fcst_model | cs |
> list_fcst_model $fcst_AFNS $fcst_AFNS[[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.3466835 0.8921983 0.7773207 0.7125147 [2,] 0.3337749 0.8643395 0.9606180 0.3999944 [3,] 0.4763512 0.3899895 0.4346595 0.3253522 $fcst_AFNS[[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.7570871 0.1216919 0.23962942 0.8762692 [2,] 0.2026923 0.2454885 0.05893438 0.7789147 [3,] 0.7111212 0.1433044 0.64228826 0.7973088 $fcst_DNS $fcst_DNS[[1]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.7323137 0.8612095 0.07067905 0.5186343 [2,] 0.6927316 0.4380971 0.09946616 0.6620051 [3,] 0.4776196 0.2447973 0.31627171 0.4068302 $fcst_DNS[[2]] [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0.9128759 0.3323947 0.47854525 0.8753213 [2,] 0.2936034 0.6508705 0.76631067 0.3390729 [3,] 0.4590657 0.2580168 0.08424691 0.8394404 | cs |
This post covers simple and trivial content, yet I belive it useful when comparing out-of-sample forecasting results across models under various specifications, including many models and different sample periods, among other factors.
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